Select Your Member Type |
Please Select the appropriate Membership Type from those listed below.Active: Those persons of good professional standing who are licensed by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy residing in Louisiana or out of the state. Dues: $150/year. Active - New Graduate: Membership available to new College of Pharmacy graduates. Membership fees are deferred for first 6 months post-graduation. Dues: Deferred. LIPA: Those members meeting the requirements of an Active member and are approved by the Louisiana Independent Pharmacies Association (LIPA). Registering under this membership will require LIPA approval. Dues: Paid by the LIPA. Joint: Those persons who are married to each other, reside at the same address, and would each individually be eligible for Active Member status. Dues: $120/year (individual registration). Life: Those persons whose membership originated in 1990 or prior years and maintained twenty-five consecutive years of active membership. Must currently hold this status. Dues: None. Retired: Active members who, having reached the age of 65 or older or having become disabled, have applied to the Board of Directors for Retired Active membership status and have, by a majority vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors, been approved as Retired members. Pharmacy Technicians: Those persons of good professional standing who possess a current Pharmacy Technician Certificate from the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy. Dues: $25/year. Associate: Those persons who have an interest in pharmacy. Dues: $105/year. Honorary: Those persons who have been selected by a majority vote at a meeting of the Board of Directors. Dues: Waived. Student (ULM College of Pharmacy): Those full-time students who are pursuing a course of study at ULM College of Pharmacy. (Please note that ULM College of Pharmacy pays for each pharmacy student's registration. This registration will indicate a zero balance due at the end.) Dues: None. Student (Xavier College of Pharmacy): Those full-time students who are pursuing a course of study at Xavier College of Pharmacy. Dues: $5/year. |
7/10/2025 » 7/12/2025
LPA Convention 2025