The Louisiana Pharmacists Association (LPA) is a professional association serving pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Louisiana. LPA is the collaborative Voice of Pharmacy in the state and was established 1892. It is the mission of LPA to represent pharmacists in the State of Louisiana for the purpose of improving health care and enhancing the profession of pharmacy.
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Claim Your Credit for Live CPE Activities
If you have attended a live CPE activity accredited by the Louisiana Pharmacists Association, please complete the following two forms to receive credit.
Quality Improvement Sources for Pharmacists
The Alliance for Patient Medication Safety® is a federally listed Patient Safety Organization (PSO), which allows our pharmacy members to participate in continuous quality improvement in a safe environment. Pharmacists can share information about trends and best practices associated with dispensing errors or other medication errors with absolute confidentiality. Participating pharmacy members can track and study patient safety data without fear of exposure. APMS provides independent, chain, and compounding pharmacies with quality assurance programs with tools and programs help with reporting patient safety events, implementing corrective training, and preventing risk.
It’s a delicate balance. Your pharmacy needs to stay in compliance with your state or third party network quality assurance requirements. You need a quality improvement process to discover the weak spots in your pharmacy workflow so that you can correct them. To do this you need to collect data on errors, but you need to know that your data is safe and protected.
If you or someone you love have fallen subject to addiction, don't be scared. We are LPA family, and family helps one another. We have resources available to help.
Are you needing help? Click here for public resources available.
Are you trying to help someone in need? Click here for member resources directed to pharmacies and pharmacists.